Remember I wrote about my zucchini cupcakes? Well, I found more recipes about adding greens into my baking and cooking. We were browsing in a shop when hubby spotted this wonderful cookbook

Yes, deceptively delicious! Chicken Nuggets with spinach, chocolate findue with avocado and carrot,
brownies with carrot and spinach....the best part was the book only cost USD5 !

This time, I made baked doughnuts. The healthy part about this doughnut was that it wasn't fried but baked.

YUM...MI, healthy with greens and dark chocolate powder!
With the busy schedule of working parents, a good, healthy meal has been pushed to the lowest priority. In exchange, we go for convenient food, fast-food and often, these food, in order to prolong their shelf life, have lots of additives, preservatives added into them. Often, as parents, it is so easy to give in to our kids' wimps and fancies. We allow them to eat anything not understanding the ill-effects which can follow.
Able to add in healthy ingredients into their food will enable their body to fence off some of the germs and bacteria that invade their bodies. As parents, we are made stewards of our children, look after them well.
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