
Compromise or commitment

This week we had an invited speaker at the pulpit. He was an old man but he didn't speak like one, in fact, he spoke with much convictions and gusto! His message was from Exodus, the negotiations between Pharaoh and Moses. He asked, as Christians, do we often find ourselves committing or do we find ourselves compromising?

He gave many examples. One of them was why church attendance have been dipping? Reason being, most chose to put their kids in 'Kids' League' on a Sunday and instead of going to church, they chose to attend all the games.

On rainy days, people chose to stay home instead of going to church...BUT on rainy days, people still get to work, force their kids out of bed and put them on the school bus. Why? Basically, a commitment over compromise. Whereas for church-going, it was vice versa.

The message made me ponder...back home, when people drive to church, they not only expect a parking lot waiting for them but they also expect a good position in the carpark waiting for them. So often, we strive for convenience and not commitment. Where there is no convenience, we often compromise.

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