

As I was typing this post, the song 'Awesome God' was playing away.

Our God is an awesome God,
He reign from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God

These couple of weeks, there were nothing but bad news. The fall and fall of the financial market have indeed created lots of fears, worries and panic among many people. Everyone was worried about their jobs, their savings, their retirement plans and the list went on...

One of my fellow mother friends had this verse in her blog. You will know that your tent is secure; you will take stock of your property and find nothing missing. Job 5:24 So assuring in this time of turmoil.

And yes, I was reminded that our God is an awesome God. He knows us and and He understands us. No matter how brave we may appear to be, what courageous front we put on, deep down inside, we are all worried...about ourselves, our families and our kids...no amount of preparations or investments or plans would shield us and our loved ones from the harshness of the real world. These are real situations, people are losing jobs, losing their savings...

How then do we keep happy in the midst of all these chaos? When we are able to tell ourselves that these material things are temporal and like what Job said Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. Job 1:21 When we all learn to live like that, we will continue to live a very happy and contented life.

So, cheers to LIFE, it is often the darkest before the sun rises!


Charmaine said...

Thank you for the encouraging words. Certainly what is happening in the financial markets are felt by all. We pray that the free-fall will end soon and the world and markets can start to recover soon.

BeLive said...

You are most welcomed! Live frugally, live wisely, be happy, be contented...we will soon see the sunrise :)