One of our church friends invited us to his house to view their town annual halloween parade.
Halloween has never been a big event in Singapore, maybe just in pubs and clubs. We have never been creatures of the night and these are the places which you would never find us. So, to us, a Halloween parade is something new.
But over here, halloween is a big event after Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some towns organised parades for their communtity. It would be something new for the kids and even for us. We have never thought that a Halloween parade could so much be a family thing.
There were no bright lights, fanciful floats, everything was homemade and very simple but the people had a great time and they really appreciated the good time spent together with neighbours, friends and most of, families.

A buffet spread of chicken, sausages with cheese, sweet potato casserole, devile eggs.
Desserts - pumpkin pie, minced pie and brownies. All solely prepared by a man!

Houses were decorated...

...even the dog was done up... had all kind of costumes on...

...what was an injured kid doing outside the house?
Let the parade begins...

There were the mayor, school band, baseball team, boy scouts...

...little girl brownies, karate kids

Dads drove trucks with kids in tow and mums followed behind

Homemade spaceship and robot

Vintage cars

Art & craft group. Fantastic art work they did for their float

Senior choir...everyone in the family was involved in one way or another

Grandpa pirate, dancer?

Farmers with their pride...their tractors

Candy, anyone? One of the highlights was the people sitting on the float would throw candies to
all the kids watching. The kids simply loved rushing for them. It was fun!

Happy faces, all over

Even santa came early for an early Christmas greetings....

The loot...and what we found among the loot...
What economic crisis? The people here led very simple lifestyle and were contented with what they have. I was reminded once again that happiness in life can be found in the very simple and the very basic.
Love the vintage cars. Was the last photo a sign of your affiliation ? Not that you can vote.
Of course not! But have been following the news on the Presidential Election and kinda leaning towards that ;)
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