My mother often referred to lamb as a "heaty" meat. So when the weather turned cold, she would roast her leg of lamb, a favoruite in our family. Eat it with mint sauce, it not only warmed the body, it warmed the soul too. Mum is very good with her roasted leg of lamb. I have yet to master that skill but for her, everyone praised her for roasting the perfect lamb!
Most mothers would discouraged their daughters from taking lamb during their pregnancy. This is because they fear that when the baby is born, he will have epilepsy. You see, in Chinese, the term 'epilepsy' has the word 'lamb' in it. It is more superstitious than scientific. My mother, on the other hand, would encouraged me to eat more. I remembered just before heading to the hospital to give birth to Kai, mum made me the famous Hainanese lamb soup. She told me that it would be advisable to keep the womb warm for the baby. Mother's explanation made more sense...but to me, it just another wonderful dish to eat and enjoy!
As the weather turned cold over here, I made stewed lamb to keep everyone warm. This wasn't the ususal lamb stew. It was just lamb stewed till tender and cover with the gravy left over during stewing.
With lamb bought from the farm, rosemary from my garden and some gloves of garlic and I have a dish of stewed leg of lamb.

It was stewed till the meat just slipped off from the bone of the leg of the lamb. Yum...mi!
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