This whole week was a whirlwind...turmoil in the financial market (no, I don't invest in stocks and shares but I am a news freak), kids back to school and hubby went on a business trip, my first time alone with the kids in our US home. Then there was meet the teachers nite. It was a great time meeting Kai's 3rd grade teacher and I realised that my son has been so bored in school.
Why is Kai a miracle? I had endometriosis prior to having Kai. Under such condition, I was told then that pregnancy is slim, let alone givng birth. But by the Grace of God, Kai was born. That is why we call him miracle and named him Kai which means victory!
Kai is very special, I guess partly because of the home environment and his hunger for knowledge, he is always wanting for more.
He loves to draw, he loves to read. He is exposed to many genres of literature at a young age. One of our friends, whom the kids call him Uncle Moses, exposed Kai to some really great books and since then Kai has been reading alot. To name a few, The Artemis Fowl, Septimus Heap, Invention of Hugo Cabret. He has finished reading the whole children series of Roald Dahl. Take away his books, he will cry buckets!
Kai needs to be challenged, stimulated and motivated otherwise, he becomes restless. Yes, it is tough job being his mother, but it is a privilege, he keeps me on my toes!
The standard of education here is very different from Singapore. There is no good or bad, they are just different and Kai has a difficult time accepting the differences and the teacher has a difficult time understanding him. It is just not the school here but even his teacher back home finds him a challenge, so what she does is to give him some class duties.
Kai's question is not 'why', his question is often 'why not?'. I have a gem in my hand. So many of my fellow mother-friends have told me that they wished they have my problem, it is a good problem.
Everyday, I pray and ask God to teach me to be a good mother, a wise mother, teach me how to carve this gem into a precious diamond.

Baby Kai

4 years old

Brave boy, holding an alligator during a school field trip
How he has grown over the years...

One of his passions, drawing....when he was much younger, about 3 to 4 years old, he would often ask his father to draw for him everyday. Now, he does it himself. He will create characters and stories...

Wow amazing drawings. You must be very proud.
Yes, I am. But he really must be challenged and motivated at all times. I hope I will have the stamina at all times too ;)
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