She is my second child and also my second miracle. You see, both my kids didn't come easy. So, I call them my miracles. Especially for Ann. I had her when I was 38, and we almost gave up. Believe it or not, hubby and I both refused to do the amniocentesis even though I was considered 'high-risk'. Apart from the age factor, I was a thyroid case. Yes, we were prepared to have her no matter what. We were thankful that she came almost 4 years ago, a healthy and joyful girl. We named her Ann, which means graciousness. Yes, it is the grace of God who have made all things possible...
Ann, is a very 'gung ho' little girl. Like her brother, she loves the outdoor, she loves independence and she is never afriad to try out new things. Like her brother, she is also very strong-willed. This is an asset if given proper guidance. They will grow up to be very focused adults. Once they set their hearts on something, they will see to its completion.
Ann is a tough cookie.
I was baking quiches to sell when hubby lost his job three years ago. I remembered one incident, Ann just came to the oven while I was opening it and she just held onto the rack in the oven and her five tiny fingers were badly burnt and blistered. Thank God, she was and still is such a tough cookie. She only cried a little but as her mum, I wept. (You see, it is beyond our imaginations that we can be here today. Everyday, we never fail to thank God)
Ann gave up her milk bottle four months after she turned three. She was completely toilet-trained before she turned three. She looks like she is going to be a fast learner at the rate she is going.
Two nights ago, she asked her papa for six oreos cookies. He was worried she couldn't finish them, suggested to her to first have four and if she still wanted them, she could have more.
"Ok, first four, then give one more, then one more and I will have six. I know my numbers, daddy."
Hubby's eyes almost pop out. Sometimes, kids just surprise you!
Do I have another accountant in the family?
My little princess Ann...

Ann, three months old

Cupcake lesson. It was a mum and daughter class. Full of fun!

One of the rare moments, she just fell asleep in this posture. Oh yes, Ann loves to suck her thumb.
The older generations have this saying, "girls who suck their thumbs love their dad most."

Ann first day of school in USA. That was in spring...
and all the beautiful moments...

Someday, she is going to be taller than mummy!
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