If you have been wondering what happen to this blog, why no updates for the past few days? It was because, we have been playing host to our first group of visitors from Singapore!

The Lim family - mum ~ Freda, dad ~ Peter, son ~ Linus!

Linus was celebrating his 4th birthday when we arrived at Long Beach, NY to pick them up.
It was a long 8 hours car ride, to and fro. From Macungie, PA to Long Beach, NY and back to Macungie, PA again. Yes, it's equivalent to your 1 night of sleep. Hubby did a great job driving us. (Round of applause for papa - clap, clap, clap)
For the next few days, our big house, suddenly came to life! Linus and Ann became good friends and they played well together. One of the days, Linus even refused to go out with his parents, he chose to stay home to play with Ann...and of course, we introduced him to the many activities a typical American kid would do.

First, indoor games then lunch.

Chalk drawing on the patio and jumping in the trampoline

Playing American football with the neighbours and of course, cycling to the playground. As we have only one tricycle, Ann decided to "piggy-back" while Linus cycled.
It was great fun for the kids. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to play in the kiddie pool. The following days were packed with activities to the brim.
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