Read as 'chick fillet'. Chil-fil-A is a popular fast food restaurant in USA. However, it is not the same as the rest of the fast-food chains. They have extremely well-trained staff. You only placed the order at the counter but your food is served to you at your table. They DO NOT open on Sundays.
Yes, straight away you will know that they are a Christian organization.
The Chick-fil-A story was freatured in the book "What my parents did right." The founder of the restaurant, S Truett Cathy shared his story about his parents who taught him 'Reverence for the Lord's day'. That is 'on the seventh day, God rested'
We all know that Sunday is the best day for any business. Any business-minded person will know that it will be a bad mistake to close your business on the busiest day of the week. But Truett was told to devote that day to a day of rest since young. Even though he had a business running, he would make sure that his business would close for that day. And it has been practised since the day he first started his restaurant.
The Lord set aside one day a week as His day (Genesis 2:3 says, "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made") - ("and He did so for our benefit" Mark 2:27)
Some people believe that equipment works more efficiently and with fewer breakdowns when it rests. I'm inclined to agree - especially when that "equipment" is a human being. ~ S Truett Cathy
Did his business suffer, no not at all. Chick-fil-A can be found in thirty-one states, in more than 350 shopping malls, in 700 free standing kiosks, 29 drive-thrus....and all closed on Sundays. Sales in 2006, reached $2.275 billions.(Chick-fil-a facts) 47,000 plus Chick-fil-A employees appreciated that Sunday off to spend time with their families, friends and loved ones and also to attend church.
A check with Wikipedia found this...
Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy is a devout Southern Baptist who has taught Sunday School for over 44 years and whose religious beliefs permeate the company to this day. The company's official statement of corporate purpose says that the business exists "to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A." The chain invests heavily in community services (especially for children and teenagers) and scholarships. Cathy's beliefs are also responsible for one of the chain's distinctive features: All Chick-fil-A locations (company-owned and franchised, whether in a mall or freestanding) are closed on Sundays.
"Our decision to close on Sunday was our way of honoring God and directing our attention to things more important than our business. If it took seven days to make a living with a restaurant, then we needed to be in some other line of work. Through the years, I have never wavered from that position."
~ S. Truett Cathy
Seek God first and all things will be added unto you.God's way is always the right way.
We are thankful that back in Singapore, we have a Saturday night service. Our whole family attends the Saturday service so that we could have a whole day of family time on Sunday. We could be lazing around at home or going to the malls...but what matters most is to have the family together. We have done so much together as a family, so much so that Kai and Ann will not want to be left-out in any activity.
As parents, we sometimes need to see the importance of putting aside a day where work ceased and the family can do things together. Going to church together, going out together or just being together. Someone once said, "to a child, love is spelt T-I-M-E."

Entrance of a 'Chick-A-fil' restaurant.

Nice play area for kids.

Love their slogan "Food is essential to life, therefore make it GOOD!"
And yes, their food is good. You don't get processed chicken nuggets, you get chicken-chunks nuggets. You don't get potato-powder fries, you get real potato-sliced fries!
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