
Bean sprouts with salted fish

When we were in New York City, seeing the Lims off. I spotted two very basic but much loved ingredients for making a simple local dish. The 'tau-geh' (bean sprouts) and the salted fish. These are easily available in any wet market in Singapore. The 'tau-geh' auntie at the market would give me a huge bundle for just S$0.30!

It is really a very simple dish to do. Just 3 simple steps:-

1)Vegetable oil to fry with some chopped up garlic.
2)Throw in the sliced up salted fish.
3)Lastly, throw in the bean sprouts.
Add chillies (optional)

Fry them for less than 5 minutes and you get a nice comfort dish!

That night, we had 'dou ya chow sian yu' (bean sprouts fried with salted fish) for dinner. It was simply heavenly.

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