
What my parents did right

Have been reading this book, still in the midst of it...

When I was in my teens, I could easily finish one to two books in a week. During those carefree days, I have lots of time in my hands but now, I could hardly finish one book in a month. With age, comes responsibilities and that means also having very little 'me-time'. But I still try to read as I have learned from one author, "in books, there are treasures." And I am very glad that Kai has inherited this habit from me. In fact, he is much better, sometimes, one book in one day!

Also, at this age, I could no longer read through novels or rather, I have lost interest in novels, so I go for short stories, insights, biographies, recipes cum stories...and Kai's story books.

"What my parents did right" is a compilation of short stories written by children who have been inspired by their parents' lives, teachings and values. Once I have finished it, I will be able to share more.

I just want to extract a portion which I felt was very appropriate and it's just too good to be kept till later.

"Mom and dad were wise enough to broaden my knowledge of God beyond going to Sunday School, saying grace at dinner, and memorizing a lot of Bible verses. They understood that every dimension of lives is indeed spiritual. As a result, every family function was sacred. We learned to love God and grasp intangibles like insight, wisdom, and fairness as much as mastering table manners as from getting to church on time.
If I were to pick out a verse that best describes the way my parents raised us, it would be Deut 11:18-19 ~ Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds...Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
~ Joni Eareckson Tada
Reading this book helps me to understand that we are on the right track in teaching Kai & Ann. YL and I often have to remind both of them to address the elders, say their 'please' and 'thank you', remembering what they have come from the most high.

In this modern society of ours, these teachings seem 'old-fashion'. But we believed that it would instill the value of respect into their young lives. They see and hear with their own eyes and ears that mum and papa address their grands before eating, thank the uncles and aunties who clear up their tables at food courts, the uncles who clean the void deck...greet the neighbours even if they are just helpers and always grateful for what we have. Two things we never fail to do, saying our grace, be it in public or home, ending the day by praying together.

However, as kids, the rule of repetition applies. We have to constantly remind them... because they constantly forget! Never give up, even if you are all stressed up!

As parents, we want to raise up good children, children who will grow up to be men and women of God. And these go beyond being an 'A' student in school and in church. It's about watching us, believing in us and living like us. If child-bearing is painful...then child-rearing is not for the faint-hearted.

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