
It's a sad Monday

The door bell rang at 9.30am and Dylan, Kai's best buddy since coming here, was at the door. It's his last day today, cos' his family will be moving out. In America, when you shift house, it really mean moving away to another city or another state, you have to change school, you have to make new friends again...

He stayed for a class of milk and some chocolate cookies. He was visibly upset and so was Kai.

They have only known each other for 4 months but they have become the best of friends. They go to the same school, live in the same neighbourhood and spend lots of time playing together or just sitting around chatting.

After milk and cookies, both of them went out to play together, for the last time. About 2 hours later, Kai came home with red eyes and I knew that he cried.

Kai is a vey sensitive and sentimental boy. He treasures everything he has, from books to toys to friends. I remember he had a fighting fish which stayed with him for almost 2 years and when the fish eventually died, he was only about 3 years old. He cried for 3 days! That's how attached he is to his things.

So, when Dylan left, he was most upset. He sobbed and said that he only knew him for a short period and he has to leave.

I remember when we were new here and when Kai has no friends, it was Dylan who took the initiative to play with him. Dylan is a very well-mannered and a great boy! We are all very fond of him. I remember the first day, he came into our house, he felt strange about us not wearing shoes at home. But I never insisted that he took off his shoes, I understood that it was a cultural thing. I told him he could just wear his shoes into the house and I could always clean up later. However, during the subsequent visits, he took off his shoes voluntarily. When he stayed for dinner, he would thank us for dinner after he has finished with it. His parents have indeed brought him up well.

I taught Kai a lesson on friends and family today. He learned that friends come and go and it's all part and parcel of life but it need not be a lost forever, if he kept in touch with them, they can be friends forever. As for family, they are there forever.

Thanks for the wonderful time and the good memories, Dylan!

Perhaps, someday, they will meet again....maybe in the same University.

1 comment:

Aka Pamela S. said...

Awww... such a sensitive boy you have.. in a good way.. :)