
"Chai-tow-kueh" - mission all accomplished and a lesson learned

Finally the storm is over. The sun is shinning brightly outside and my mission is also accomplished.

Remember my "chai-tow-kueh"? I wrote about the two versions. Well, I finally got to cook the black one and ate it with the greatest satisfaction.

Sometimes, good things are already around us but we failed to take note.

As mentioned, I couldn't find the sweet black sauce needed to make the black "chai-tow-kueh". Called for help. My cyber chef-tutor told me to add molasses (a kind of black sugar) to my black sauce in order to get that sweet taste. I decided to check out the ingredients on my bottle of black sauce and lo and behold...

It's there all along!

This in itself is a lesson. How many times have we searched for something or someone, only to realise later that, they have always been there. Is it not Biblical also. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matt 7:7,8

We as humans, we are often not contended. We wish for this and that. We hope we can have more of this and more of that, we wish our kids can be better, our spouse, to be much more.....and the wishlist never ends...

Look around you, every nook, every corner, you will realise that whatever you need, whatever you have, they are always there and they are the best for you! Give your kids a hug, give your spouse a kiss today :)

There I have it...my favourite black "chai-tow-kueh"

Sinfully delicious!

If it's that clean, it has to be that GOOD!


Gina Choong said...

wah...all gone. even sauce is gone too! your next big task will be laksa? mee siam? :)

BeLive said...

I sure hope so ;)