
A new lingo - 'cookout'

Apart from the pool, summer is also a time for cookout!

Touring a new country and living in a new country are two very different experinces. Since coming here, we have to learn many things. Apart from understanding the local people, eating their kind of food, accepting their weather from really cold to really hot....one other thing is knowing and understanding their language. It's not car boot, it's trunk, there is no carpark, only parking lot, not playground but park....it's really interesting, the whole English subject. I studied about it during my uni days. Reading it is one thing, experiencing it, is really quite an adventure.

When we were still in Spring, one day, Kai came back with his spelling list and among the words given was 'cookout'. I asked Kai, so what's 'cookout'? It just didn't make sense then. Kai was trying to explain to his mum, supposedly, to have collected lots of knowledge during her years on earth, yet couldn't quite understand the meaning of 'cookout'.

"Mummy, cook outside the house, so it's call cookout." Hmm...it kinda make some sense.

Now that we are in summer, in all the TV ads, 'cookout' is often mentioned, leaflets also have the word 'cookout' printed on it...and almost every weekend, someone in the neighbourhood will also be having a 'cookout'. We also got invited by the Loves for a 'cookout' dinner.

So, what's 'cookout'...it's our favourite 'bar-b-q' :)

Well, as the saying goes "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" and I say..."when in America, do as the Americans do"

Our cookout spread

The fun part is getting the kids involved

1 comment:

petite fleur said...

Great looking spread but I don't think many American families have onigiri on their cook out menu.