
Pool on patio

We are right now in the midst of summer and it's no joke, certain days, temperature can rise up to 100 deg F. It's hot, hot, hot but we are enjoying it as much as we can...for when the cold come, we will be freezing again.

Most homes with youngs kids will bring out their pool for the children to have fun. Some even have really tall slides, where the kids can just slide into the pool. The wonderful thing about all these pools are, they can be packed away and stored in the garage or store room till the next summer.

Papa dearest, bought a kiddie pool for the children so that they could have more summer fun! We ordered it from an online shop and it took them less than 24 hours to arrive! The children were ecstatic!!! Pops is the best!

Looks too big to be a kiddie pool

1 comment:

petite fleur said...

My daughter has been asking me for one but I hesitate to put one on the terrace cos it would be a pain to change the water & I can't put it in the garden either.

But it looks so much fun that I may have to get her one soon.