
Self-publishing author...at 8!

Kai has always been good with his writings and since coming here, he has been given many opportunties to write. To encourage and motivate him to write more, I have actually helped him to compile some of his writings and publish them in a book.

As parents, beside giving them a good education and a safe environment, one of the most important roles of ours is to help them maximise their potentials. Both my kids do not attend many enrichment classes like most kids but they have grown up pretty well and I believe that's because dh and I try our very best to discover their giftings and work on them. We believe if they work on their interest, they will excel better.

Kai's very first published books have arrived and we were all very excited over them. The book was just 20 pages thick (I mean thin) but it was something that I told myself I must do for Kai and I have kept my promise and it was something that Kai took great pride in doing. As he flipped through the pages, looking over all that he had done, he even picked his own favourite piece.

His pride, our pride!

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