
Happy 15th Wedding Anniversary

Yes, believe it, dh (dear husband) and I have been married for the 15th year!

No one is perfect, we all have our flaws and those flaws make us unique in our own ways and that make a marriage strong. He isn't the perfect husband amd neither am I the perfect wife, if we are so perfect, we wouldn't even be here, we should be living in paradise island. The differences in us make us build a strong home for the kids.

DH has been a great father to Kai and Ann and if you ask them, they will tell you that they simply adore him. Simple questions like 'when is papa coming home?', 'why is papa so late today?', 'why must papa make conference call in the room?'...speak volumes of their love for their papa.

Looking back, we have gone through some tough moments. Like buying our very first home. A simple 3-bedroom flat located just above a coffeeshop. It wasn't a mansion but it was a warm and cozy house and we bought it without any help other than a loan from the bank which we fully paid up in 5 years. I remember every visitor we had, loved our little house. We took pride in that we built every home of ours from scratch.

The next tough period was when we had our first child. Being childless for 6 years and suddenly being thrown into parenthood was made expecially tough when there was no full-time helper to help us with a very colicky son. But he has since grown into a very fine young boy. Then came our easy baby, Ann.

I would consider one of the toughest decision we have ever made was when we decided on being a single-income family. It's history now, we all know it was the right decision. Then the toughest challenge came when dh was retrenched...I need not write more about it...with each challenge, with each testing, we have only gotten better and we pray that we (including the kids) would never forget what made us who we are. In every tough situation, God kept His promise - He will never allow us to be tested beyond our means to remain firm. While, we were being tested, He never left us nor forsake us.

'for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, till death us do part...' 'whatever God has put together, let no man put asunder'.


Tania said...

happy 15th anniversary! wishing you both good health, everlasting love and happiness - cookingmonster (KC)

BeLive said...

Thanks! Marriage is a LONG jog ;)