
The real thing

While the Carters were here, we were given lessons on snowboarding -- the real thing, not just playing with the snow but doing real stuff on the snow. Papa Carter, Keith was a professional snowboarder cum skier. We had lessons with him at home before going up to the ski mountains.

Snowboarding lessons by the pro. The kids, especially Kai, was very attentive

Those were huge boots for snowboarding and of course a demo by the expert

After all the lessons, we were all ready to get to the ski mountain. A ten minute drive from our house, stood the Bear Creek Ski Mountain. It is a very beautiful ski resort.

Looking out to the ski mountain from inside the lodge

It was a bright sunny day for skiing and snowboarding

The kids with their gears. Kai did snowboarding and Ann did skiing. Don't they look pro?

Papa with his gears. Like father, like son. Kai picked up the sport really fast

Kai in action

Ann in action...as you can see, after some time, she found more fun in creating angel

Sunset at Bear Creek.

The Carters stay with us was short but most fun. We are so thankful to God for sending them to stay with us over the New Year holidays. Do you know that the Carter boys speak Chinese although they are New Yorkers.

During our stay in US, we have had a number of visitors and we are grateful to them for taking time to come and spend with us. Whether they flew in or drove to visit us, it was a great effort and we really appreciated the gesture. We live in a village, so visiting us is no easy task. Thank God for friends!


petite fleur said...

Lucky you. Private skiing lessons. I've always wanted to try snow boarding. Did you have a go at it ?

BeLive said...

No, I didn't :( But dh did it. It was very good for the abs ;)