
The kind of email you don't wish to receive

We have been trying to contact our agent back home. He is a nice man and very hardworking. He assisted us in getting our house rented while we were preparing to leave for the States. We haven't heard from him, which is very unlike him. Today, we received a mail from his wife.

I am Gina, Mark's wife, wish to inform you that Mark got a stroke on 1.6.08, he is now in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He had a brain operation last Tue and now he is resting. The whole of his left side is unable to move.

We were shocked. Mark is a young and fit chap. As a housing agent, he would be on the move 95% of the time...

Once again, we are reminded of the uncertainities in life. Nothing is more important than your health. Like my brother-in-law, a fit young man too. His job requires him to carry stack of 10kg of rice bags. Would anyone imagine a strong man like him would suffer 2 heart attacks within a year. But by the grace of God and the power of prayers, he was given a new lease of life when an appropriate heart was transplanted to him at the end of last year.

So what is a new pimple, a few wrinkles and an extra strand of white hair...be thankful that each morning when you wake up, you have life, you have breath. Having said that, God also gives us wisdom, yearly health check is imperative to all who are over 40.

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