
June 14 to 21 Disney World (Part I)

Sorry, if you miss reading this blog. Two reasons why I haven't update you on our journey.

1) We were away for 1 week to the world's happiest place - Disney World
2) Now, with both kids at home for the summer vacation, I am busy, busy, busy....

Since we are already here, we thought we should visit Disney World. No way, are we going to travel for another 18 hours, suffer severe jet lag just to visit some 2 mice.

Well, the trip didn't start off very well. There was a storm and we were 'trapped' in the air plane for 1 hour before we could take off. By the time we arrived at Disney World, it was close to mid-night. And the staff on duty then were not very helpful. It was such a huge place and we were expected to find our way to our room all on our own. It was bad service. But thank God, He sent an angel. One lady, one of the staff, came to our rescue. We were finally brought to our room by a buggy at 1 am.

But nothing could spoil our vacation, the rest of the days went just superb.

It's rainning, it's pouring....

When you are stuck in an airplane, what do you do? Play Spiderman cards. It was a new card game which Kai got at the airport

Outside our hotel - All Star Disney Music Resort

Magic Kingdom and Father's Day

We all made dear hubby feel young again! Yes, we celebrated Father's Day at the Magic Kingdom!

Happy Father's Day!

Main Street, Magic Kingdom

On the world's happiest cruise - it's a small world after all. It's true that Disney World can also make the adults happy.

"Wendy, we are flying..." Never never land. This was an awesome ride.

Visit to the mice's house

Inside Mickey's house

Outside Minnie's house. Her mailbox

Sitting on Minnie's chair

Pictures taken with characters from Buzz Light Years

Going into monsters' world

Getting a feel of what's like to drive

Pictures taken with various characters...

And how can we miss them. Walt Disney himself and Mickey

One of the highlights in any Disneyland is their Parade. It's very colourful.

Waiting anxiously

Here they come...

The colourful parade

Night parade and fireworks

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