
It's hotter than in Singapore

I think summer has arrived. At 6am, we have the sun shinning into our bedroom. On Sunday 8 June, temperature was 37 deg C. That's at least 4 deg C hotter that the average temperature in Singapore. We are taking it pretty well but the locals here are staying indoor, with their air-con switched on.

I wonder where are all the kids? Realised that if it gets too hot, the kids are also kept indoor. So...if it's too cold, no outdoor activities, if too hot, it's a 'no' too. Heat stroke is no laughing matter.

What can I say? Be so very thankful that back home, whether the sun is out or not, you can still enjoy all your activities. We always think that it's better on the other side but you will never know till you are on the other side.

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