
I'm glad you have been blessed!

Since starting the blog, I have received emails from many people that they have enjoyed my blog and have been blessed by it. Thank you for all the mails and most of all, thank you for giving me this privilege to share with you.

Since arriving in US, I have kept a notebook with me, jotting down my adventure and all the wonderful recipes that I have come across. I never thought of starting a blog because I tried once but found no time in updating it as daily chores just kept piling up. Being a stay-at-home-mum means being on my toes 24/7, 365 days per year. But since God has blessed us with this adventure, I felt that it was only right to share it and with the many photographs captured along the way, how could I just keep all these to myself. Afterall, it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive.

As you continue in this journey, I hope you will continue to be blessed.

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