My elder nephew, Rui, is a very special boy. He is 10 years old this year. He is special because he is very different from all other kids, he is autistic. Although autistic, he has a huge heart, sometimes much bigger than any other normal kids. He loves to share and I really mean share. Share, not in the extra things he has but even down to the very last candy.
My sister told us on one Childrens' Day, the teachers bought little bags of gummies for the class. Each tiny bag only contained seven tiny gummies. Usually, the teachers do not give out candies to the children as sugar only increase their hyper energy. But it was Childrens' Day, the teacher decided to just give them a treat.
Unfortunately, Rui was sick on that day. The teacher kept his share. When Rui returned to school the next day, the teacher gave him his share of the gummies. He was obviously very happy. There were only seven gummies in that tiny bag, instead of eating them all, he distributed among his six best friends and kept one for himself, such a generous boy. That was not it.
When he was about to eat his tiny share of the gummies, another kid came to him and asked for the last piece which was saved for himself. He looked at his gummy and looked at his friend --- he bit it into half, one half he put it into his mouth and the other, he gave to the kid.
I was so touched when I heard about the incident. He may be a child which special needs, but he is not a child who does not know how to love. He personifies generousity at its utmost best!
I told Kai about this incident. Rui may be slower than him academically but he excels in other areas which Kai can definitely learn from him.
God places each one of us in this temporal world with a purpose, we all have a role to play. Like Shakespeare said..."All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players,"

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