This morning when I woke up, I was surprised to hear the garbage truck outside our house. It was exceptionally early and I wondered why. I went about with my chores, getting breakfast ready and the kids got ready for school. By 8am, light snow started falling and as usual Kai went out to wait for the school bus. Hubby and Kai and another family were the only few waiting for the school bus. It was strangely quiet, where were all the other kids.
I checked on the internet and the news on TV and realised school was closed as the weather was turning bad. True enough, by late morning, it started sleeting and heavy snow started falling. Hubby went to the office and by 2pm, he was back, the office was officially closed due to bad weather. So the garbage collectors came early to clear the rubbish to avoid the bad weather.

When the snowfall got lighter and it began to drizzle, I saw a few of my neighbours shoving away the snow on their driveway. I was thinking to myself why was there a need to shove, just let the snow melt by itself and 'disappear into thin air'. Suddenly, it dawn on me that with the rain falling on the snow, the snow would turn into ice in no time. When it hardened, the driveway would be covered with ice and the car was going to slide down. Not only that, ice would be tremendously difficult to shovel. Of course, I wasted no more time staring at my neighbours.

A shovelled driveway. Shovelling snow...a completely new experience
Shovelling was no easy task, it was alot of hard work and it sure burn off quite a lot of my calories. Perhaps, I should start knocking on my other neighbours' door and offer to shove their driveway for a small fee.
That's part of the whole snow experience - shovelling snow. Enjoy your first Christmas in snow !!
Yes, a whole new experience....a pretty scary one on ;)
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