
Food Therapy Again

Made my famous quiche again but this time I experiemented with mozzarella cheese, feta cheese and sun-dried tomatoes. The result - fabulous! It a 3-cheese (including the cheddar cheese already in there) quiche. Rich and very tasty. On top of that, the sun-dried tomatoes gave it a tinch of sourish taste.

My new discovery - 3-cheese sun-dried quiche

How to make kids take their greens?

Wrap the greens with some kind of cold cuts. This is asparagus wrapped in proscuitto. Asparagus, like all greens, contains no fat or cholesterol and a good source of dietary fiber. Proscuitto is basically the Italian way of calling ham. The saltiness from the proscuitto will be much diluted when eaten with the asparagus. (Sorry, forgot to take a pix of the grilled ones, they were snapped up fast)

I made this for the bar-b-q. Just grill till the greens are cooked, it would be ready for eating. At home, you could actually grill them in the oven or bake it. Nutritious and you get the kids to eat their greens

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