
14 May

"God will make a way where there seems to be no way..." Yes, God always has His ways of working. Really, all we need to do was just to trust Him.

I wrote to Barb asking if the church has managed to raise enough funds for the roof repair.

Today, I received an email from Barb Love

Yes, Shirley - Praise the Lord----we have! As a matter of fact, today the steeple came off. I took pictures and tried to video it so we shall see how good a photographer I am. I'd like to burn it to a CD - that is once I learn how to do it!! :-) I have people who know how to do that so maybe they can show me. The steeple is now lying on it's side by the Church shed. We are putting a new roof on it - Lord willing and the weather holds out - this Saturday. Shingles and materials are being delivered early tomorrow morning and then early Saturday the work will start. Pray for good weather for the guys. The Lord has been so faithful as He always is so I want to not make a big deal of stuff because He always comes through.......Love, Barb :-)

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