
10 May

It's Mother's Day!

Away from home, so there wasn't much celebrations. It was just 2 kids and 'hao hao nan ren'. But it was a most touching day. The kids did lots of art & craft in school days before and brought fresh potted flowers home.

All the gifts from the 3 dearest people in my life

This card was from Kai. He did it in school.

Kai isn't your usual 8-year-old boy. Yes, he possesses the usual traits of a young boy - playful, imaginative, creative, careless...but he has a brain beyond his age. He reads alot and he reads widely. He has an eye for small details and small creatures. He dares to speak up for those he cares. He is not expressive with his feelings but he feels alot for many things and people. He has a very sensitive spirit.

What was written in this card spoke alot about his feelings towards me, his mum. He is a child who always makes me cry - both the good and the bad. Looking at him, I knew staying at home was the the best decision I have made.

There was a Mother's Day tea at Ann's school. The kids sang songs for all the mums and grandmums and some dads

Ann, on the other hand, is the expressive one. She would climbed all over you and said sweet little things into your ears. She wanted to buy me a necklace for Mother's Day using MY money. Cute.

Simple buffet spread at Ann's school. Being here really helped me to see, one didn't need fanciful stuff to be happy. How many times, at lavish buffet, did we throw away precious food. Here, simple spread like this, was sufficient to feed a crowd

Amazing isn't it. Song presentation from mothers and child to all mothers. I hope you could experience this simplicity of life. Really, one never need elaborate costumes, perfect or near-perfect practices to sing songs to touch hearts.

Mother's Day dinner - home-made bar-b-q. Dear hubby did all the cooking. Simple but cooked with lots of love

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