
We also say good-bye to our crappy car

Remember our little crappy car? Crappy it might be but it sure has served us very well. Of course, we couldn't bring it with us, we sold it to neighbour who needed it. This car made us wonder why do people pay hefty sum to buy a brand new car which is used to transport us from spot A to spot B. Guess, we will never understand because we are basically not car lovers!

The kids affectionately called it 'pop's crappy car'. That's pops and his car.

...this is home for now...

We thank God that the company is very kind to provide us with temporary lodging ... we are given two joining rooms so that we would not be too cramped up

These are all we have...and one luggage is filled with nothing but books. When you have kids with huge appetite for reading...books are precious

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