
the first and the last

When we first arrived and were still living out of our luggages, the Loves invited us to their home for lunch. Barb and Bob Love are retirees and since day one, they have treated us like their kids and Kai and Ann like their grandkids. I call them 'angels' sent by God.

Now that we are leaving and living out of our luggages again, the Loves invited us to their Love cottage for the last time, to have dinner.

While driving there, I was asking everyone which was the best place they have visited and most loved...dh said the Niagara Falls, Kai said the Bear Creek, for me it was the Poconos mountains in autumn and little Ann said, auntie Barb's house!

Yes, the kids love the Love's cottage, they are very comfortable there and it has since become their second US home.

Now, you can understand why they love this cottage

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