
No need to please...

It was a simple message but it spoke lots of truth.

As a church, as a pastor, it was his duty to preach the word of God and to direct the people towards the direction of God. It was not his job to please everyone to ensure they come back to his church. People could choose any church they would want to worship in, he would not go all out to please them to ensure that they keep coming back.

He went on to talk about his objective was to lead the church according to the leading of the Holy Spirit and therefore, no programme or agenda should squeeze the Holy Spirit out of people's lives.

So much truth in a short and simple message. Sometimes, churches do too much to please people, so much so that their physical needs become more important than their spiritual needs. Programmes have to be strictly followed at the expense of cutting off the flow of the Spirit. Although order is important but it should not be interpreted as stifling the move of the Holy Spirit.

Don't we do that often in our lives...to gain approval, to gain acceptance, we try so hard to please others that in the process of the pleasing, we find that we end up feeling miserable ourselves.

We cannot live a self-centered life, that becomes selfishness at its worst, neither can we go through our entire lives, pleasing others so much so that we lose the purpose of living...

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