
Beauty in winter

Everyone that come to US of A must visit the Niagara Falls. This is our third visit to the Falls as we bring our family to witness this wonder and I can assure you that each visit is a different experience.

On our way there, we noticed lots of snow-covered spots but we didn't expect to see such early winter

Snow-covered street...

Snow-covered car..

Then we hit the snow-fall. The more up north we drove, the heavier was the snow fall

Driving through the snow fall

We finally had to stop when we saw a huge park...the snow fight began. The kids had a fabulous time, it was their very first and mine too.

From our house to Niagara Falls is about seven hours, a stop-over is essential.

Yes, we stayed at the Best Western Horsehead motel again but this time, it was a different sight altogether

The next day, we witnessed more beauty in winter. It was really awesome to be able to soak in the beauty of God's goodness and His masterpiece. Looking at all these, you know God is indeed a great artist. Enjoy...

The kids have more fun...

We finally arrived at Niagara Falls...in winter

We have now experienced all the four seasons. It was a mind-blowing experience. This song aptly described my feelings...

You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words,
Too wonderful for comprehension,
Like nothing ever seen or heard.


Charmaine said...

Beautiful winter pics.... cold....brr..

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~Ling~ said...

Hello :) Your pictures are beautiful! How I wish it snow here!

BeLive said...

Yes, winter is beautiful, snow is fun to play with but.....the cold is terrible.

I wore three pair of pants, three tops, a down jacket and it was still freezing..brrrr